Separation anxiety

Well we finally did it!  We separated the twins.  Boys are now in one room and the girls have their own little suite.  Now, you must understand this has been a long time coming.  Many discussions have been had to prepare everyone.  Many scenarios gone through to coach them through it.  Many bribes to coerce one child in particular.  But we finally got there and made the move.

Girls - First night, uncontrollable sobbing.  Second night, uncontrollable sobbing.  Boys - First night, PLAY TIME!  Second night, PLAY TIME!  So, do you understand my dilemma?  My heart is breaking for the girls who miss their former roommates but now I can't change them back to soothe their hearts because the boys are sooooo happy.

By the end of the week things have settled down and last night they all slept together in one room.  Three in beds and two on the floor (boys of course).

We are all back in harmony.  Ahhhhhhh.


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