Do you have five minutes?

Take a deep breath, put your face on, pull your hair back and head to the store hoping you don’t see anyone.  My classic plan of attack is baseball cap, head down, walk fast.   These days when you (we) wish life just stopped and you could hide in your house.  When the weight of it all seems to set your feet in concrete.  Ya know those days?  

Alas, life goes go on and the groceries need buying and the box needs to be mailed and the forgotten sneakers need to get dropped off at practice.  But inevitably what happens?!  You bump into that one person you do not want to see.  The one friend who has it all together (or looks that way).  You exchange pleasantries and no one is the wiser that you could literally break into tears at any moment.  

Friend, what if they feel the same way you do?  Are they holding something in their hearts that’s heavy and breaking?  I’m so guilty of this…seeing only what is behind my own eyes.  I am so consumed with my stuff that I don’t see or don’t want to see other’s stuff.  Can I challenge you ladies (and men!)?  See beyond the pleasantries.  Be the person who says, “How are you?” and truly wants the answer.  Take a moment to stop and look in their eyes.   Give them space to cry right in the middle of the isle.  Give them time to explain what’s hurting or frustrating them.  You NEVER know what someone is going through and what your 5 minutes could do for their soul.  Those 5 minutes could be the moment they needed to push through.   You know what else could happen?  That one person you bump into could be the encourager YOU needed.  Maybe that “chance” encounter gives you energy to push through.

Life is busy and those sneakers have to get dropped by 10:00!  I get it.  But if you could soothe the aching heart of a fellow Mom or friend, is it worth it?  If it soothes your heart, is it worth it?  Worth the 5 minutes?  In a made-up world where social media allows us to post only the prettiest of ourselves, let’s be a community of encouragers and supporters where the real world is, the grocery store (or Target).

Here’s a couple tips for the next time you “bump” into that one person:
  1. Take a stance that implies, “I’m here to listen.”  Plant your feet, lean on something, put your phone away.  
  2. Look at them in the eyes.  Seems like a simple thing, doesn’t it?  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been talking to someone and their eyes are everywhere but on me. 
  3. Remember what they said so that the next time you bump into them you can ask about it.  Also, remember it so you can pray for them.
  4. If you’re the one being comforted, be honest.  There is certainly room for discretion and privacy here, but hiding or pretending you’re fine only binds you up even more.  My go-to phrase when I can’t divulge or don’t have time is “I’m doing ok.  It’s been a rough day.  Thank you for asking.  It means a lot!”  It doesn’t have to be long.  Just honest. 

“…reach beyond the safe bounds of your private, fenced off territory.”  Chuck Swindoll 


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