Her Hands

Tomorrow marks one year since my Mother's passing.  I decided to go through her Bible today and read all her hand written notes just to "feel" her presence.  She was an amazing woman.

In the months prior to her death, I felt a need to spend more time with her.  I kept making a plan in my head to get together with her a couple times a week and to call her often.  Though our time together did increase, it was nothing like I had planned.  The last time I saw her I was in a huge hurry.  I don't remember why.  She pleaded with me to stay and have lunch with her, so I did.  It was nice but then I had to run.  She grabbed me and told me she loved me and gave me a long, tight hug, and told me again how much she loved and appreciated me.  I wonder now if she knew it was our last time together.

That day weighs on my heart.  Today as I was reading this devotional, I felt to share it with you all as an encouragement.   Appreciate and take advantage of every moment here on earth with your Mom, or whoever is in your life that you need to spend more time with.

Devotions | Proverbs 31 Ministries


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