Poem: Free Fall

The free fall of trusting the Lord for the impossible.  There in the terrifying unknown and the exhilarating possibilities that await you each morning...

Plane rumbling to determined heights
Parachute attached
Instructions given
Instructor beside me

All gear checked for thumbs up
Goggles on
Door opens
Heart races

Mind swirling with what to remember
Wondering why I committed to such danger
Still, excited to feel the thrill
Ready to say, “I jumped!”

Deep Breath…

Will the shoot open
Can the instructor be trusted
Certainty evades me
Only the jump will confirm 
Only by falling is safe landing assured

Unless I don’t jump

Safety is guaranteed
But the thrill is revoked
Pride of overcoming fear withheld
Badge declaring, “I jumped” denied

“You’re up!”
Instructor invites me to the door
“Jump on 3!”

I'm here now
Turning back seems a waste
Makes me brave



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