Summer Heat and Shade Trees: When Weather Imitates Life
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Psalm 91:1
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Sweaty children, iced coffee, baby pool, wet dog dripping on my feet. Branches of our large Maple casting it’s shadow over me on our small patch of grass. Tears flowing from a grateful heart.
Record temperatures. Consuming the news reports…”Heat Index Warning!” Waves of heat billowing off the concrete and streets empty while neighbors seek shelter by their fans. No relief in site they say. So, we change our plans, adjust our summer to-do’s and sleep as still as possible in as little as possible.
Unexpected heat. Un-welcomed inconvenience. Ending unknown. Sound a bit like life? Is the weather imitating your circumstances? Do you find yourself stripped down to absolute necessities, waiting for circumstances to ease up?
It’s so easy to sit completely still, waiting for it to pass. Your spirit is overheated. Your energy drained. Of course! Self preservation is key! Even the news reports tout, “Stay inside!”
But we need more to survive. Don’t we? The hotter life gets we need the cool breeze of hope, the shade of Divine purpose. Life sustaining energy to endure the suffocating air…
It will end!
Better days are coming!
Today is not my forever!
After all isn’t the swelter meant to draw us to Him? Meant to draw out impurities? Meant to create pure, shiny gold?
How? How do we move from self preservation to hope in a glorious tomorrow? Where is the shade found when the sun sits right overhead? Thankfulness, my friend. Search for it. Pursue it.
What can you give praise for today? What gifts have you been given, even amongst the loss? Look around. What has your Heavenly Father given you to get through your heat?
Maybe it’s just a shade tree. A small respite from sun.
Philippians 4:6-7
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (emphasis mine)
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