Fight Club

I just sat down to finally read my devotional for the day and get some quiet time. The boys are off to a friend's house, one girl is babysitting, one is at summer school and the last one is playing barbies with the neighbor girl.  Everyone is occupied.

Deep breath in and out.  Peace.

Peace is something that is hard for me to come by these days.   As I have written before, we have found ourselves in a trying time of life, a battle if you will.  Not against anyone or anything, a battle of faith.  I kinda feel like that scene in the movies where the exhausted soldiers are walking up the path after a battle.  They are dirty, bloody and one of them has a rag wrapped around his head and over his eye.   Seem dramatic?  If you're in a battle right now, you understand.

But in the midst of this battle God is saying, "Will you trust me? - Will you allow me to take you to uncharted waters?  I have a plan and it's going to take time.  Trust me."

So after I sat down this morning I prepared my heart to hear from God.   I asked Him to "PLEASE!" speak and give me my allotted strength for the battle of faith today.  And... He did.

Below I linked to today's devotional from Chuck Swindoll.  It is Part 2 of 2.  You can find Part 1 on his website

Are you facing a giant today?  A Goliath?  Be encouraged with me and take in these words of strength.

I pray peace over those of you reading this today.  Deep breaths…in and out.


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