Universe out of whack

Whenever the school schedule gets messed with, the universe goes out of whack.  Monday was Teacher Conferences and there was no school.  Which, I didn't know about until Sunday (first thing that threw me off).  My husband is doing a bathroom for a customer that works second shift.  This means he doesn't leave here until 10am and doesn't get home until after 8pm (bad for me).  Tuesday they were saying the "big storm" was coming so I decided I better stock up and headed to the grocery store.  The problem was everyone was doing the same thing.  So, I knew it was coming but still not prepared in my mind.  Tuesday comes - "big storm" was 6 inches (sooo not a big storm) - and the kids are home.  I decided that I was going to embrace this day with the kids and be lazy, watch movies, bake, etc...  For the most part we did that, but midday the kids started to fight, the babies got whiny, and I got tired.  My husband was on his third day of late nights so I was solo again.  Plus, I didn't sleep last night.  Don't know why except that universe thing I mentioned before.

So now I am typing this blog, burning eyes, coffee brewing, shower calling, and ready for the universe to go back in order.  School, shower, day of mommii stuff, homework, dinner, Daddy time, sleep. Yay!


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