Whatever your hand finds to do...

My oldest daughter has some medical needs in the evening hours that I have to attend to every day due to her disability.  If I'm being transparent I have to say it's still difficult for me and is a reminder of that horrible day when she was injured.  Over the years it has subsided and isn't nearly as heartbreaking, but I still have to drag my heart into her room every evening.  I have asked God to give me a servant heart, His heart, so that I view her care as the verse says "...when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" But again, if I'm being honest, I don't "feel" that.

Yesterday though, something changed.  I just happened to look at my hands instead of at her.  My left hand.  Then my right.  Watching my hands doing the care that my heart dreads.  My hands being a part of keeping her healthy, strong and ready for the next day.  For the first time I felt like I was doing it "as unto Him".  

It was a moment, but so profound.  Why God chooses to show us things when he does is still a mystery to me.  But I'll take it.  May I be reminded of it every day!

"whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..." Ecc. 9:10a


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